Sunday, January 16, 2011

Heartbroken and feeling lost

So the other day I posted this as my status on facebook:

Sick of being ignored and forgotten. Did me moving really make it that easy to just put me to the back of your mind? Am I that easy to forget?
 Instead of realizing that I meant this to all of my friends and family, my mom assumed it was just about my dad since I've been complaining about not getting my card in the mail. So she said
Rye...your Dad does not read this...give it up.
 Then she sends me an email on facebook saying this:
Not everyone vents on FB when they are let down. Like not even getting a Christmas card from their daughter. Seems that you have been so worried about getting something from your father that you didn't bother to send me a card or letter, not that I expected a gift. But to think that you would take the time to send a card would have been nice. You should consider that there are other people other than yourself that get their feelings hurt. The only time you call me lately is to see if I have talked to your father. Think how that would make you feel. You are an adult...time to take on the resposibility of it.
ok now I feel better that I vented too. Lets get over it ok?
I am not going to hold a hurt my feelings...I am over it. Maybe you can get over your hurt feelings too. It is easier to come right out and tell someone. So go ahead ...your turn to tell me how I let you down.  
So I sent:
Sorry I didn't send a card. I had started making cards but never got to the post office to send them. As for the calling. At least I call you. You only call on holidays. I want to talk more. You're working. You've said several times that you'd try to call me later in the evening but never do. Sometimes I need to get stuff off my chest. I can't keep bottling stuff up. If you don't want to see it on facebook, block my posts from your feed. I've been worried about getting my Insurance card from my father. I need that so I can get back on depression medications and stop feeling like shit all the time. And thanks for making me feel even more like shit. All I'm trying to get is a little fucking reassurance that some people up in Michigan miss me. I have NO friends down here and all of my friends up there said they would visit or at least keep in touch and most of them barely do that unless I say something. You can't instantly assume that you know why I say what I say. I'm having a really rough time. There. . . I've vented. Happy? 
Her response:
By the time I get home at night from work...I eat and want to go to bed. I know that I should call back when I have the ability to talk and not want to go to bed. But some times it is hard to call when you are so negative all the time. I would love to talk to you, but we are both busy and don't always have the time. You cannot assume that just because people don't call you every day that they don't miss you. You have to realize that we all have lives to live also...not just you. You have got to stop feeling sorry for yourself and make your life happy. Only YOU can do that. Sorry if this makes you feel worse. It is time I said it and you need to hear it.
If you have something to say to me...just send me a message...don't bother venting on FB.
If you want to talk more. Call me on the weekend...when I am not working. I would be happy to talk.  
ok so I was talking to Jennifer and she says that she wishes Mom would call her more often. I guess I never thought about it. Maybe that is because I am not much for being on the phone. Never had wanted to sit and chat. I would rather type it out. SO maybe I am a awful mother...that I can accept. Sorry 
I don't get it. She says she gets upset when I only call to talk about my dad but she doesn't like talking on the phone? That makes no sense. She's not sorry whatsoever. She never is. Every time she attempts to say sorry it's near some kind of comment like "I'm an awful mother" or "how have I let you down" or "how have I failed you". She never outright says "Oh, I'm sorry, I  misunderstood." No! She could never say that. What would the reasoning be behind actually admitting that you were for once in your pathetic life, wrong. Whatever. I'm just sick of everything so I'm going to play some fucking video games. I can't deal with her shit anymore 

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