Saturday, January 8, 2011

Getting really really really frustrated with Everything

So obviously I'm funneling and only hearing what I want to hear when I say I've never heard anything bad about a person. But when he says the most horrible over generalized stereotypes about people around us, of course he's right. It's not like he's getting old and senile or anything. There's no way that I could possibly be right. I'm only 21. He's in his 60s. This is so effing frustrating. I'm never right when it comes to conversations with him. And he ALWAYS over generalizes things. He makes broad assumptions about people based on some stereotype. Like all actors are jerks, all people of a certain race purposely put a bunch of stuff in their carts at a grocery store and then act surprised when they have to pay for it all. (I'm not kidding about the last one. This one lady that didn't have enough money for her stuff was in front of us at Walmart. When we got to the car he actually said she did it on purpose and everyone else of her nationality does it too.) I can't believe him sometimes. And to make conversations worse at the dinner table, he's a noisy, nasty eater. I understand it's a burger and it's pretty big so you're bound to make a little mess. But when I have to hear every slurp and groan when you eat, I just can't eat anymore. Which really isn't a bad thing. It keeps me from eating too much. But still, It makes me want to throw up and I really don't want to. Especially after my episode after the rum binge. I can't stand how angry I am with him right now. I don't know how to calm down. Video games just make me angrier. Writing isn't working lately because I just can't seem to have any creativity. I just want to scream. I've gone about 3 days without hurting myself. I'm trying to make it to 7 but I'm not sure how much more of this I can handle. I called my dad at 2pm today. That's 3pm his time. I left a message saying I was checking to see how he was doing (he was sick last weekend) and if he had sent my insurance card. I told him to give me a call back. Nothing yet. It's almost 5pm here (6pm there). Now he's ignoring me and it's pissing me off. I just don't know how to deal with these idiots. . .. I'm going to try and get some more of my fan fic done. Hopefully I can just listen to loud music and block everything out.

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