Step 1: Realize you need help. (Done)
Step 2: Make a plan to get help. (Done)
Step 3: Go to first meeting of help. (Done)
Step 4: Be honest. (Really hard, but Done)
Step 5: Go back to next meeting of help. (Jan 30th.)
Results so far: Possible signs of Borderline Personality Disorder but too early to tell.
Generalized categories: Bipolar cluster and Anxiety cluster.
I can do this. I'm ok right now. I was honest, even though that put me in more of a risk of forced hospitalization (If the suicidal thoughts comes back, which sadly they do a lot), but I want to get better. I'm going to lunch with my ex boss on Wednesday before my classes start for the semester. Got everything but my books for the classes. I'm going to go play Skyrim now just so I can keep the positive outlook going.